Where Can We Ship THCA?

At Consider It Flowers, we’re thrilled to see how THCA is gaining traction and positively impacting people’s lives, many of whom are new to cannabis. It’s an exciting time for both businesses and Flowerheads.

Of course, the cannabis industry is quite dynamic, so it’s essential that we stay up to date on changing regulations and attitudes towards the plant and its derivatives.

With the enactment of the 2018 Hemp Farm Bill, hemp was officially defined as products containing less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC on a dry weight basis. In one fell swoop, cannabis was quietly made legal in all 50 states. This landmark legislation paved the way for widespread availability of THCA flower and concentrates across the US.

Differing Approaches Across States

With knowledge about THCA spreading, its popularity has been on the rise. As the demand for THCA has spread, different states have taken diverse stances on it and passed varying legislation around the compound, ranging from regulations to outright bans.

Some states, like Tennessee, North Carolina, and Texas, have taken a progressive approach towards hemp, allowing for broad access to THCA. On the flip side, in states where recreational or medical marijuana use is legal, there’s typically stricter regulations. Some states like Maryland and Connecticut have decided that THCA should only be sold through state-licensed dispensaries, ensuring tighter control over its distribution. Then there’s states like California, Arizona, and Kentucky that have implemented laws to outright prohibit the sale of inhalable hemp products.

Things get even more complex in many states, like Florida and Georgia, which have established new acceptable THC levels, taking into account both THCA and Delta-9 THC. This approach, again, results in a ban on psychoactive hemp products.

Restricted States

At Consider It Flowers, we prioritize staying informed about the ever-changing cannabis regulations. We’re committed to ensuring that our business and our Flowerhead customers stay on the right side of the law.

As a result of varying state laws, we regretfully cannot ship our THCA products to the following states:

Arizona, Arkansa, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin.

Important Notice: Temporary Shipping Rules for Our THCA Products

We’re actively developing an automated system to handle state-by-state shipping rules on our website. However, until this feature is fully implemented, we kindly request customers residing in the affected states not to add THCA products to their cart. Should you accidentally add the item, please be aware that we will have to cancel the order and process a refund, which will take a few days to reflect in your bank account. To avoid tying up your funds, please refrain from adding THCA products to your cart if you reside in any of the states mentioned above.

Our Priority Shipping to THCA-Friendly States

Consider It Flowers is based in Nashville, TN. Although some states may allow the consumption of THCA, we must strictly comply with the laws that govern the shipment of THCA from Tennessee to other states. As a result, we happily offer priority shipping to the following THCA-friendly states:

Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

Thanks for being part of our Flower Family!

We’re committed to offering cannabis delivery at a higher standard. We’ll continue to navigate the regulatory landscape across the U.S. and offer the dankest products possible within the confines of the law. Thanks for being part of our Flower Family!